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Swift S1 for HELI-X

The Swift S1 is available for HELI-X.  When version 9 is released, you will be able to retract the turbine, in version 8, the turbine is fold out permanently. Use the flight phases to control the turbine or the airbrake, respectively. Thanks to Jan Stauffacher for the model, Martin Wycisk for tuning the flight parameters […]

Piper J3C

As first high wing plane, we decided to add a scale model based on a famous historical Piper J3C based in Germany:

Smoke On!

A small test of the smoke engine for the Extra 330SC which will be available in version 8 of HELI-X.

Test of the retractable landing gear and...

For the ASW 28 we check the aerodynamic influence of the retractable landing gear and the air brakes. The setting of the elevator is fixed during the experiment. The model will be available in version 8 of HELI-X. Stay tuned for version 8 of HELI-X.

Hang Soaring with HELI-X Version 8

This week we also worked on a new feature for hang soaring. In the video you see the first result. It looks as if we have to model some nice gliders! I never thought that hang fylning makes so much fun.