Rev 2425

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Re: Rev 2425

Post by Michael »

please try the airport Dietersdorf and lokk straight and press "center view" (keyboard function.

Are your glasses calibrated in steamVR?
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Re: Rev 2425

Post by RandomDude »

Nope that doesn't work either. "Center view" only seems to re-center the GUI, nothing changes in my actual view. I couldn't find an option to calibrate the headset in SteamVR, but everything works fine in all other Oculus or SteamVR applications.
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Re: Rev 2425

Post by Michael »

Hi RandomDude,

you are - as far as I know - the only one with this problem that the Orientation for the head movements of the VR glasses do not work. Can you send you hardware specifications, please?

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Re: Rev 2425

Post by RandomDude »

As HMD I'm using a Quest 2 via AirLink (also tried with the Link cable - same result).
PC specs:
I7 7820x
RTX 2070 Super
16gigs ram

Thanks again for looking into this.
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Re: Rev 2425

Post by modellermark2 »

RandomDude wrote: 02 Oct 2021 07:47 Hey,
I'm just trying the VR mode in the V10 Beta, but somehow my head movement and what's actually happening in my FOV feels way off (when I move my head, the actual image moves quite a bit more, so I'm getting motion sick after a few minutes). However, when playing around with the camera settings, literally nothing changes.
I wanted to try the demo before I buy. Is that the reason I can't change the settings and it would work in the full version or what am I doing wrong?
Did you do anything special to get your VR connected - I have tried with my Quest 2 via Oculus Link and Wirelss using Virtual Desktop but just get a black screen in the Goggles.
On the PC Screen I see the game running and tracking my head movements but can't get anything in the Goggles ... just says I am running "Java" and it is black.
Thanks, Mark
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Re: Rev 2425

Post by Michael »


the VR mode in HELI-X uses SteamVR. So for oculus glasses you need the Oculus App and Steam VR.
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Re: Rev 2425

Post by modellermark2 »

I have the Oculus App and Steam VR - Steam VR runs when I run Heli X but it just says it is running "Java".

Everything appears on the screen with head tracking working and sound in the headset but the screen is completely black.

I know in AccuRC the goggles go completely blue until you click "Fly" on the screen but I can see anything that gets HeliX to appear in the goggles.

I went back to the default flying site too but still the same.


you can see what SteamVR shows ... I added more detal in the other thread I created
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Re: Rev 2425

Post by Michael »

I is difficult to help, since I do not have this hardware. Today, I managed to run VR with HELIX on my notebook. I had a similar issue as you. For me, updating the NVIDIA drivers did the trick.

And for the use: When you start HELI-X VR everything should go on until you see something ni your glasses, there is - when it works - no need to press something or so.

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Re: Rev 2425

Post by modellermark2 »

I checked out my NVidea drivers and related software today.
I realised that not having an .exe for the program I could not specifically add it to the configuration so I set it to always use my NVidea card and updated the drivers and all related software.
This has now worked so that when I start it up, wirelessly via Virtual Desktop, it displays in the Goggles and headtracking etc all work properly.
I was a bit glitchy at times but I think my laptopn was doing a backup so network and processing was being shared.
But at least it now works.

One thing I noticed is that if I take my Quest 2 goggles off for a few seconds, which causes them to "sleep" then I lose the game and can only see it running on my desktop again - any idea how to be able to get it back in the goggles after removing them?

Thanks for the help so far

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Re: Rev 2425

Post by Michael »

There is an option

Configuration->Global settings->miscellaneous->Pause when lost focus. Perhaps it helps to turn this off....

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